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Re: Credit Card Security

On Apr 22, 22:05, Darren Reed wrote:
> Subject: Re: Credit Card Security
>Whilst on this subject, although a little bit off-track, an article in
>a Sunday paper (The Age) here in Australia included a quote:
>"I wouldn't bother stealing credit card numbers when I can make them myself,"
>"FRaCTal INSaNiTy" said.
>  All the hackers agreed it was ``disgustingly easy'' to create credit card
>(The reporter was talking to a group of them).  This was mentioned in
>reference to someone finding 1000+ credit card numbers sitting on an ISP's
>machine and going public about it.  So give some serious thought to storing
>the CC# as well as getting it accross the internet securely.

Which is why a model which requires "acceptance" by the purchaser in a different 
loop than the transaction is inherently more secure than using credit cards 
directly (presuming you're not physically at the point of transaction).



[ psr ]
